Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
Can females be used in the office of a Christian pastor and in Eldership roles ?
Yes or No ? What say ye ?
What I think doesn't matter.
But what does Apostle Paul say? He says no. In the context of the church, among believers, Paul says he wouldn't suffer a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man, surely speaking of a godly man who is trying his best to serve God.
He says women shall be saved (sozo) in 'childbearing' (probably a weak translation), if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
One of the main roles of women in the first century was
teaching the children, which is a grave responsibility.
Of course if the men are living ungodly, riotously and acting foolish, it is a God-fearing woman's responsibility to set them straight.
Otherwise, no.