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Old 08-02-2009, 09:51 PM
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Loren Adkins

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Re: HeavenlyOne....

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
So now are you relegating Paul's teachings to the NT church as merely his "preferences"??????? Come, come now...let's get honest.

Verse 1 mentions the church, nothing is said about "women preaching," that's the whole point. You are the one who supplies that INTO the text, which does not confess the same! In sum, the entire "woman preacher" argument is fostered on the shoulders of speculation...not Scripture!

simplyme has some good points as well.
I was wondering if your wife does anything outside the home or do you keep her changed to the house? Because that is the kind of attitude you are keeping. Yes the wife (woman is to be in submission to her own husband but as you so well refer to the OT, in the begining God created woman to be a help meet. She is your equal in every way but one you are her head there fore when things come down to a final decision it is left to the man. there fore a woman can teach or preach as long as she is in submision to her head. The misunderstanding is in the authority of the office of a minister of any kind. The ministry is not given the kind of authority anywhere in scripture that is taken by most of the pastors in the church. Jesus is our head (speaking of men) not the five fold ministry. They are a gift to the church just as the gifts of the spirit, given to edify, equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Note Paul includes all saints in Ephesians 4 in doing the work of the ministry. With that said I can also say as Paul "I suffer not a woman to teach or preach" I would rather the man take his position as God has directed a man to do. And let the wife be in submision to her own husband. I have seen in the church today (not UPCI) many husband /wife pastor teams, and this is the kind of church I belong to. The spirit of God flows in a greater way than I have ever seen in my whole life.
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