Re: As you wish....
Originally Posted by rdp
Show you where men preached from the Scriptures in the NT? Glad to oblige: Peter texts Scripture on the day of Pentecost, Phillip "Preached to him [eunuch] Jesus." Paul preached & taught from the Scriptures in the last part of Acts [& other places as well]. There's mant more, but this should help you out for now !
WRONG!! They didn't preach from NT scripture because their words became scripture for us to read!! NT scripture didn't exist at the time Peter and Paul were preaching. Their preaching BECAME scripture, it didn't come from scripture.
Now, I'll give you the same liberty to show me where the text literally says that a woman did the same, including Deborah & Huldah! Who wasn't under the NT economy anyway! Not that it matters, since absolutely NOTHING is there about them "preaching/teaching from the Scriptures"! Still waiting on your Biblical "example".
Read what I said again. Their words BECAME scripture, and it was a Word from God that they spoke. You can read about it in Judges. Obviously, the book of Judges didn't exist when they spoke those words, but the words that came from their mouths were just as much the Word of God as scripture that comes from our mouths today.
What's soooooo amazing about your supposed examples validating women preachers is that Huldah actually had the Book brought to her [to reveal God's will, since she was a 'prophetess,' not a preacher]...yet she still refused to "preach"! Hmmmmmmm? Too bad you weren't there to correct Paul's teachings, huh? !
Have you had any words come out of your mouth and become scripture?? Several women have one up on you!  back!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!