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Old 07-19-2009, 12:04 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: For Heavenly One & God'sdrummer...

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
First off, the literal text does not say that Anna or Priscilla [I knew this was coming] preached a sermon to a church congregation, or preached at all for that matter. Thus, as is A-L-W-A-Y-S the case w/ advocates of women preachers, you import your theology into the text, instead of allowing the literal text to define your theology. Aquilla/Priscilla simply gave a home study to Appolos. Does this mean that everytime Me & my wife go give a home Bible study, she's automatically to classified in the set-in office of a 'minister,' in the sense of the 5-fold ministry?? Not hardly.

God's drummer: Adam was 1st formed, THEN Eve! And Eve did not instruct Adam [and when she did sin entered, hmmmm?], but Adam was the instructor. This is a principle from the very beginning, as Paul clearly states in I Tim. 2. So, no man is not the one who taught this....God is the One who instituted this principle. And any woman who preaches/teaches is operating outside of her God given place, no matter what unbiblical excuses they belt out. Perhaps I could somehow get you a copy of my book entitled, "What about Women Preachers?" I go from Genesis to Rev. in dealing w/ this issue & dive deeply into the Greek syntax of the NT. Blessings...RDP.
Weird. Anna is mentioned as telling people who were gathered in the temple about the birth of Jesus (the Bible doesn't say, but I'm sure men were present as well as women), but that isn't preaching.

However, a woman in the pulpit today telling people gathered in the church (and only if there is at least one man present) about the birth of Jesus is considered to be preaching and teaching to men.

Priscilla is mentioned as sharing the Word of God (along with her husband) to a man in his house. That's not preaching.

But put that same man in a church building with Priscilla in the pulpit sharing that same Word of God and VOILA!! She's a preacher now!!

I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???

Last edited by HeavenlyOne; 07-19-2009 at 12:22 PM.
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