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Old 07-17-2009, 09:18 PM
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Re: Our First Kid's Camp

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
The difference is you had a perceived view - - I've known Sherri for over 30 years and know her and her heart.

I posted my first post BEFORE I saw that you guys had apologized to each other and was going to delete it, but didn't get it done before you responded to it.

We DO all "listen" with our own prejudices. I've never denied that - - always acknowledged it here. I should have read the whole thread first.

I was just very surprised that you had came at her like that.

I already wrote this on the first post when I addressed how I felt:

I know that this post is sounding unkind. That is not my intention. I have no negative feelings toward you, personally. I just felt that I wanted to express how I felt.
I wanted to tell her how I felt because I knew enough about her that I could do that.

In my last response to her, I said:

So, if you are working on being careful with what you say, I certainly need to do the same and take a chill pill on the, perceived, UPC bashing. I will try to do better as well.
There isn't much else I can say.
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