Originally Posted by Whoop Harted
Joe is the Pastor, Lucy is his wife! Nuttin more, nuttin less!
Think on these things!
Aw aint that sweet, oops sorry for being sarcastic,
Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
What do you suppose God ment when he gave Adam a
help meet. That Eve was just his servant. I DON'T THINK SO !!!! But is you want to keep you wife subdued and go back to Judism and be in the class of people as the pharisee. (and we know how Jesus thought of them) Go right ahead. If you need to have a man pastor in order to be save keep right on with your ways that is the same as Paul addressed those Christians that refused to eat meat in
Romans 14 he called them week Christians. And he told them not to judge the Christians that allowed themselves to eat meat.
Just as Jesus said to follow the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law. Some out there need to understand just what the writer is saying and why and to who instead of taking everthing so literal. If the Jew of Christ day had not taken prophecy literal, looking for a literal kingdom they would not have put him on a cross.