07-14-2009, 06:38 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,667
For "LadyRev"....
I'm always astounded at how one can be accussed of "twisting Paul's words to suit yourself"???????? Say what? You are the one who attempts to make the Word of God of no effect thru your explaining away these clear passages [I Tim. 2:12, etc., funny you don't render due service to other Biblical passages]. Not real interested in discussing w/ your Pastor. Trust me, I've studied this issue from all angles [yes I've read Scheel's book]. In sum, already been there & done that ad nauseum.
Okay, so in other words you do not have a single passage where a woman E-V-E-R preached from the Scriptures [including your Huldah, by the way,]. It's amazing how far folks are willing to stretch Scripture to fit their theology.
As far as those who received the Holy Spirit under women preachers, the water flowed from Moses' disobedience as well...for the sake of the thirsty people! Was Moses acting disobediently? Yes. Did God still use his disobedience for the greater cause of the people? Yes.
Regardless, let me clearly state that I highly honor the Alvaer's! We simply disagree on the woman preacher issue. Blessings.