07-14-2009, 11:01 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 873
Re: Baptism from God's Perspective
Originally Posted by stasis
Nothing YOU can do will make you his, but what Christ does THROUGH YOU, and to you. Through Christ we can do all things, like be persecuted and bear a cross. Christ imposes his instruction upon us, and makes us DOERS, and this by his grace alone in choosing us before time, to form us into doers of his Word.
So... bearing your cross and doing what Christ says is "no action/responsibility". Yeah, that makes sense. Following Christ is "doing nothing". Being conformed to the image of Christ throughout your entire life, which involves suffering, is sitting around doing "nothing". I speak in sarcasm.
What do you do to a robot? You write an instruction upon it's circuitry. What does God do to us? He writes his laws upon our hearts. Yes, if you are God's you WILL, LIKE A ROBOT, DO HIS WILL. We are spiritual robots.
Opinion is 'opinios', which means, to think for one's self. I have no opinion but the Word of God. We must crucify our opinions and let God's Word think for us.
No, it isn't fatalism, it's blood baptism and the sovereign power of God alone, who stands above man's will.
What say you? It's unfair for God to choose one above another? What man calls unfair, God calls Grace, intervening through Christ the intercessor. What is fair? Fair is EVERYONE GOING TO HELL.
Brother, this is above and beyond even the usual discussions here on AFF, and is outright false doctrine.