Originally Posted by U376977
Amen!! That is one reason why I hesitate to identify myself with Apostolics. That and the fact that many of them are "everybody-is-going-to-hell-but-me-and-those-exactly-like-me attitude."
I've done something similar. I've refused to identify myself as a United Pentecostal. I'm an "Apostolic Christian". I believe in the Oneness of God,
Acts 2:38, and common sense Christian living. I don't identify with the exclusivism or the legalism. I'm not big on big religion or organized religion. I'm turning to house churching. I believe in water baptism's necessity, but I believe in pouring over immersion.
I believe that the convert is to call upon the name of Jesus at the moment they are water baptized, it doesn't matter what anyone says over them if they are not calling on the name themselves. I believe many Christians in the traditional church down through the ages called on the name of Jesus for salvation when baptized and God honored that... even though a priest uttered a traditional trinitarian formula. On the flip side, I believe that many Apostolic preachers have spoken the name of Jesus over individuals being water baptized but those individuals didn't receive remission because they themselves were relying on the preacher's words and not calling upon the name themselves.
I'm Apostolic... I'm just not UPCI, ALJC, PAW, WWPF, ALF, AMF, ABC, 123, or any of the other alphabet soup denominations. I just don't identify with them.