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Old 07-11-2009, 07:02 AM
Whoop Harted Whoop Harted is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 266
Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
Hey! Don't you know it is the modern age 2009. Old things have past away.
Next you will be saying women should not be running for governmental postions of rulership over nations and men. Then they should not be allowed to fight the wars of the nation on the battle fields. And the men should be more caring and sensetive and nurtuing and even staying home with the children while the woman goes to work, after all, the man is generally percieved to be but a big buffoon anyway.(watch TV, it will reinforce that). Then you will be saying the children will get confused on the respective roles of the man and the women and will get so confused they will not understand the differencs between the two sexes and will even want to start marrying those of the same gender. (like that will ever happen)
C'mon man. get with it.
If the church cannot distinguish the different roles of the two genders how in the world do we expect the world to have a clear concept on the order God institued? hmm?
(Psst. I generally agree with some of you premises)
yeah, thats kinda what i am saying
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