Originally Posted by whocanitbe
Make no mistake, I was not admonishing Sis Alvear or pointing to any "one" person in particular, I humbly apologize if it seemed that way. And PUH-LEASE Ron, I am not "hiding" nor am I as fake as a $3 bill. I only hope we don't face such trite things at the judgment. . . .geez.
Yes, we are all human, and all entitled to opinions, I agree. . . but just because one's opinion does not match your own, does not make it fundamentally wrong. Make sense?
Lisa in Joplin-for those who must know!
Well PUH-LEASE Lisa, a lot of people come on here behind anonymous monikers
posting things about men of God both true & false!
I ask you this question, "what was the purpose of posting this?"
There are Ministers in every denomination who cheat on thier wives, a few are probably pedophiles, & a few even get innocently accused.
There was a sister in our District who worked in a daycare & was falsely accused of abusing kids.
The police investigated her like crazy & put her through the wringer, she even took a lie detector test!
She was cleared, but not before her reputation was ruined (even though she was exonerated) & never came through it totally.
Why did I say that, "what do you hope or anyone who posts things of that nature, hope to accomplish?"
Does one hope to diminish the Ministry more than it already has?
If anything has happened to you, I am very sorry it has & hope that you can find healing & forgiveness & move on because to do other wise, shortchanges you.
Yes, I have an opinion thqat is different than others.
I did know through someone else a Huling, don't know if they are the same one or related, it has been so long ago.
I ask you this in closing, what if the friends or loved ones of this man come on here & see this post?
Are they not hurting too?
Some things to consider.