Originally Posted by LUKE2447
scripture please... because that is not what Romans 6 says and you cannot be born again into newness of life UNTIL one is baptized.
Which baptism does
Romans 6 speak of:
water baptism?
Spirit baptism?
both baptisms (water and Spirit)
or some other experience that happens prior to water and/or Spirit baptism?
if burial is water baptism and rising to walk in newness of life is Spirit baptism, what happens if someone experiences Spirit baptism before water baptism? Are they raised to new life before burial and then buried after they have been raised to new life? What about the millions of people who have received Spirit baptism but have either not been immersed or were immersed in the traditional FS&HG formula? Have they been raised to new life but not buried yet? If they have been raised to new life years ago, should they now be buried? Should you kill/bury a person who is alive in the Spirit?