Re: Is baptism essential unto salvation?
Originally Posted by Aquila
Brother, with all due respects... I know that I was forgiven. We praised him and thanked him for His forgiveness, asking that he fill me with his Spirit. I was forgiven, plain and simple. However, if I would have refused to be water baptized I would have been in rebellion.
I understand and as I have told you my friend we both experienced it the same way. Again scripture is scripture and I have explained reception before baptism. It's up to you to understand it in his Word by clear didactic scripture. Sorry but many of the views presented in his thread cannot be shown to be said of baptism from a practical application or to didactic teaching. One needs at least one to prove a point. Didactic teaching trumps everything and nobody has given a applicable definition or didactic teaching on this subject to show bpatism is anything other than be united with Christ LITERALY. The only thing baptism has been said to be in a spiritual sense is a "response of a good conscience". The problem is that scripture shows AND SAYS BAPTISM is what saves us. Also as I have shown that clear consciensce is due to repentance per the point of Jesus of go and reconcille/repent and THEN come and offer you gift on the alter. Why? You are not acceptable to offer anything until then. Stop making your doctrine fail when it comes to the most basic test. The Word of God. Because currently you are basing it on a experience that was precious and awesome of which we both share but you have added to it something it wasn't and that is the joining of yourself with his death/sacrifice/blood in baptism.
Last edited by LUKE2447; 06-16-2009 at 08:12 AM.