Originally Posted by Baron1710
In a heartbeat, everyone deserves a defense. Their guilt is not relevant, most of them that are in that position are guilty, but that doesn't mean there may not be mitigating circumstances. Seems to me Jesus defended me when I was guilty. You don't think rapists and child molesters need a defense?
Really? Jesus defended you when you were guilty? I thought you REPENTED so that you could be forgiven??? Where do you draw the line, Brother? You are supposed to be APOSTOLIC? And now you insinuate you are capable of defending someone you believe did WRONG in the eyes of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whom you are supposed to believe in, supposed to even, in fact, carry HIS SPIRIT around?
My goodness, am I communicating with Holy Ghost filled people, or just intelligent elements of society? Please clarify. I'm astounded at times the discussions I have with people professing to have the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ dwelling in their bodies, their TEMPLES. . . .dare I write further and suggest. . .people who KNOW JESUS IS GOD and not a part of God???
We are to be a LIGHT amongst darkness, not join them!!!
Excuse me but if a child molester and rapist need defense then they should seek counselors who are like unto them. NOT those who are supposed to profess righteousness. Maybe you didn't understand my question, because to get those individuals charges dropped you would have to find loopholes, and therefore, lie.
Brother Benincasa