Originally Posted by Baron1710
This wasn't about the merits of South Park, it was a shot at Timmy that's what a large portion of Benny's posts are. He doesn't seem to be able to have a discussion without attacking those he disagrees with personally.
Originally Posted by Timmy
How will they know?
Baron, why do you cry about my posts, when you post with the same level of conviction?
Timmy asked Sister Alvear, how to spot a Christian. Since Timmy uses the South Park icon, I used Timmy's Iconic example to prove my point to the Timmy.
Conclusion: Timmy's own avatar provides him the answer he seeks from Sister Alvear. However, is Timmy aware his icon represents a walking contradiction?
Seems you defend an oxymoron to Christianity .
Would you defend rapists and child molestors who you know are guilty?
Brother Benincasa