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Old 05-28-2009, 10:57 AM
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Baron1710 Baron1710 is offline
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Re: Tattoos-What do ya think?

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
Actually I thought Bro. Benincasa's post was very insightful. He brought up several issues that should be explored in regard to issues like this.

MOW posted his position on this thread. I would think that means he is open to discussing what he said. So, how is MOW's opinion any more or any less acceptable than is Bro. Benincasa's?

Also, where did Bro. Benincasa incorrectly use any scriptures? As a matter of fact, where did he quote any Bible in his post?
The difference between the posts are as far apart as Ann Coulter is from Anderson Cooper. One was laying out an opinion the other laying out accusations. Telling someone what a poor father they are on an open forum shows a complete lack of class and decorum.
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