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Old 04-04-2009, 12:41 AM
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Re: DRAMA!! CASTON SMITH Preaches Against AFF & CA

With a quote speaking of Caston and Reckart, we read:
Originally Posted by Brother Price;326368 - 12-13-2007, 04:36 PM
CS sent me an e-mail, slamming me. Makes me so glad to know I am not with them, of that mindset, and in need of that much applause from man.

CS needs to find an altar and truly repent for having such an ungodly attitude. It does not further the Kingdom, and only makes him leave a bad taste in the brethren's mouth. I know I used to be as such, but it took a strong series of events for me to see that I was wrong, dead wrong.

I pray CS turns himself before he comes face to face with a crisis, as I have.
Originally Posted by Wm Price after reading an article by Gary Reckart
Keep up the good work, Bishop.

Comment by William Price | September 26, 2008

And then from:

Originally Posted by Wm Price - April 2nd, 2009
Restored Back To The True Faith

One week from today is the holiest day of the year for many true believers, Passover. It is the occasion when we remember the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary as He commanded and instituted, when He said for us to do it. It is a holy time, a sacred time, a consecrated and sanctified day unto the Lord. It is a time when we remember how the Crosss took our judgment, and the Resurrection gave us our victory.

I am going to take this opportunity to send thanks to Bishop Gary Reckart of Jesus Messieh Church in Tampa, Florida

Originally Posted by Wm Price

Pulling Away From Forums

I have made a personal decision that I believe is ebenficial for my growth in this restoration process. I have decided to leave Internet forums once and for all. I have come to see that many so-called Apostolic forums are nothing more than battlegrounds where favoritism abounds and truth can be challenged without being championed.

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:29-32 NKJV)

While forums can be a good idea, if moderated properly, many ceased being moderated properly, and have become spiritual free-for-alls, allowing people to come on and lead young and unprepared souls astray. Some forums are nothing more than bashing forums, not presenting truth, but instead playgrounds for individual to attack those who have fallen, just in order to make the posters look so superior.

This is not the Christian thing to do. I was considering starting my own Internet forum here on this server, but after seeing all I have, and after being the target of those prideful men who took advantage of my fall to attack me, I decided against it. Why would I want my name associated in such a manner? I have a hard enough time trying to get myself in alignment, not to mention spread the truth as I am now doing. Also, I have enough time with people who go by screen names, hiding their true identity, calling me names.

So, I am encouraging all pastors and leaders to warn their saints about these Internet forums. They can poison the faith of your saints, if they are not careful.
April 1st, 2009
I have and do continue to pray for Bro Price and Bro. Reckart.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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