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Old 02-17-2009, 08:52 PM
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Re: Genesis Flood Local Or Global ?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I seem to remember quite a bit of science assuming that the earth was in the center of the universe. The church embraced the conclusions of "science" and frankly she fell into it's error. Of course the Bible doesn't speak to this subject, but the point of the matter is that science also makes assumptions based on "known data". One piece of undiscovered data could turn scientific on it's head.
I feel that it's wrong to try and say "The Church was ..." right or wrong at that time and that "Science said..." something right or wrong. How about, "We..."? We were right and we were wrong. It took time for us to figure even a few things out and we are still working on it.

Remember Giordano Bruno? He was a fierce proponent of heliocentricism and even declared that the stars were objects just like our sun only at vast distances. They burned him at the stake for that in 1600.

We burned him at the stake for that and we were burned at the stake for that.
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