Originally Posted by Apprehended
It is just that I am an old timer who never learned to mince words or how to be politically correct or acceptable. I still use language that others find offensive.
No problem. As I said, I'm probably overly sensitive.
But your quote above doesn't necessarily sound like an open invitation to know God. I am not questioning your approach, as I don't have all the answers. But, I resent the idea that a simple approach is cowardly. We really want people to find our church inviting - why then would I want to use language that they find offensive? Now, if we did not preach the truth, that'd be a different story altogether. We had some greats come through our doors in recent weeks including T.F. Tenney and Anthony Mangun (granted, he's family...), and we had some great moves of God in our services.
It's not about being politically correct or acceptable. Again... to who? Who are we trying to impress or please (other than maybe those on this forum...)? If someone comes to our site, and doesn't like what we have to say, they can move on. No embarrassment to us. I get tired of the argument that unless you are blunt and offensive in your approach, you must be hiding something. Being a poor communicator isn't always a badge of honor.