Originally Posted by Rhoni
It is my opinion that most people in UPCI churches do love God and they try to be multi-cultural. I am not sure a church of 150-200 is a significant % of the local population to make a significant impact in a community.
I will say that churches with Pastor's who "used to be UPCI" as much as they claim to be enlightened or free from the legalism they were subjected to through the years...continue to have a very similar mind-think/paradigm if you would in regard to the authority of the Pastor. This amazes me.
The whole point to Christ's coming to live and die for us was so that He alone would be the mediator between God and man. It is amazing to me the number of sermons or teachings I have heard in the past couple years where Jesus' role as Chief Shepherd and the Pastor are used interchangeably. We are no better than the Catholics in needing a pope, or the Jews in the old Testament demanding a King.
If we indeed are free from legalism and walk in grace then we know that the Pastor's main responsibility is to feed the sheep of Christ's pasture by preaching the word. Obedience to the Pastor is justified by quoting the scipture about the Pastor having to give account... This does not mean he is responsible to give us unwarranted advice or extra-biblical instruction, but he is responsible for being apt to teach and rightly dividing the word of God he preaches. The Pastor is absolutely not responsible for my soul or salvation.
This is my opinion and I have been wanting to say this all week.
Blessings, Rhoni
Again the issue is unhealthy leadership, I think this chuch and hopefully many model healthy leadership. To be out of balance either way is extreme.