11-21-2008, 03:24 PM
La vie est un voyage
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: In two of the most beautiful states in the U.S.A
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Re: My visit to a UPC Church~Shocking Details~
Originally Posted by Cookin-with-Stoneking
This last week I had the luxury to visit a local UPC church in the location where I was away on travel. As a minister who has been out of and away from the org. for sometime I thought it would be interesting to visit my family of origin.
This was a very large church with a pastor/leader that is in official positions within the organization and district.
The building was very nice and very up to date with its decorations. The very young greeter seemed shocked to see me, when I walked in.
The preservice prayer was led by a lively, passion filled youth leader. Brought back precious memories of when I was involved in the work.
I sat down where I would be noticed to see the response of the folks, only one sister walked up introduced herself to me and asked me my name.
About 150-200 multi-cultural people gathered in the large auditorium for service. Good worship and lively singing. What impresses me about UPC people they love God; this continues to be my initial feeling and observation vs. other groups and movements. UPC people really love God, it shows and there is a increase in the presence of God in the midst because of this.
I think there is an imbalance in focus/beliefs about standards and outward issues, but I think the result of a disciplined obedient lifestyle is love for God. I still believe we should live disciplined lives not to earn, or maintain salvation but simply out of love and grateful lives.
As the service went on, various saints came over and greeted me and their concern was genuine.
An usher handed me a visitor card and asked me to fill it out. When I did, I he rushed it up to the pastor on the platform when I marked my vocation as a Pastor/Minister.
A minister on staff was given the task of preaching the midweek service. He was passionate and sincere, but all over the map as far as organization of his message, he initially talked about wanting to get down where we were living but in my mind failed to achieve that task. Most of his message was directed at the value and reason God places a pastor in your life and how we need to take their role and voice serious in our lives. His text in Romans didn't really match too much of what he said. He through in some issues about God helping us through difficult times, we don't need to pull back.
Being back in that setting helped me to realize, I myself need a fresh set of eyes to give me feedback about things I get used to that often need to be addressed from a visitors standpoint.
OP/UPS folks have a unique culture and I think that there is not a real bridge for people outside of it to try it/understand it/partake of it without resisting it because it is so shocking. i.e. Culture=Jesus
Akin to pushing someone into the deep end of a pool without allowing them to test the water and learn to swim.
My conclusions of the visit:
UPC people love God
I appreciate the wonderful things about my heritage, I miss the structure and discipline and even the willingness/obedience to follow leadership that is missing in other movements and groups
It is a unique cultural movement that often outsiders are overwhelmed and have a hard time bridging. We interpret for other language groups, I think they need to interpret and speak the language of the culture where they can without compromising their convictions (I guess that to be the real issue of why they don't build a bridge)
I was impressed by this church's reputation for ministry and its various ethnic outreaches and their impact in the community.
The pastor/district official was very friendly, when I told him who I was and my background he warmed to me immediately and gave him his card and offered to buy me lunch, I appreciate this kindness.
By the way I wasn't shocked by the visit, just I wanted a title to draw attention to my thread.
I appreciate what you posted. I attend two UPC churches in two different states and find both very friendly and God loving.