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Old 11-21-2008, 03:22 PM
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Re: My visit to a UPC Church~Shocking Details~

Originally Posted by Jeanie View Post
Although I PoMo's point, that other Christians in other org.s have a desire to follow their leadership as well-

I just think it is much more of a focal point in the UPC to discuss the importance of having a pastor in your life, they perhaps 'stress' it's importances more frequently than most. imo

I think there is a general paradigmatic difference between what most UPC/OP/Apostolic people view as the role and authority of a pastor and those outside of those ranks understand, (generally speaking and with many exceptions). I think that those outside of legalistic environments use their noggins more than those inside and they hold their leaders to a different standard than those in a legalistic evironment. And, yes, I think the vast majority of UPC/OP/Apostolic churches that ascribe to "holiness" teachings are legalistic.

In my experience, which mirrors in most repsects that of CWS, I have found that people respect their pastor as much as UPC folks do and are willing to follow their leaders, but this willingness isn't as blind as many of their Apostolic counterparts. In that respect it can be a little more a leadership challenge to effectively lead these people, but that's a good thing and as it ought to be, imo.
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