I honestly don't delight in any ministry or minister folding or failing..........however, what has been sown is apparently being reaped.
True prosperity comes from faithfulness, honesty, a good work ethic and applying Gods principles......not from playing the "Christian Lottery" of sowing a "seed" and thinking that somewhere out of the blue a "miracle" is going to happen regardless of a person's mismanagement of what God has given them. I've seen too much damage come to those who follow this teaching.......with the exception of those who preach it. THEY are the ones who are prosperous.
It has always troubled me that those preach this heresy tell people that the way to prosperity is to give THEM their money. Hmmmmmm......I may have been born at night, but not LAST night! I know who "prospers" from that message. It doesn't take a great revelation to figure it out!