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Old 11-10-2008, 06:07 PM
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Neck Neck is offline
"It's Never Too Late"

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Re: Walls Closing In On Church(Randy & Paula White

Originally Posted by Blubayou View Post
I agree with Neck on the damage these kind of people are doing to the church community. But I do think that the economic situation will begin to affect churches. People may not have as much money to give to the church or the ministries of the church.
Most drones in these churches will go further in debt.

Because their pastor's teach that prosperity is evidence that the Lord is working his economy in their lives.

It sure is funny how when the church preaches prosperity so goes the world!

The church leaders fall into greed and so goes the world.

So goes the church, so goes the world..

I say the church is leading many into debt and anxiety....

You simply can't say of me that I am bitter...

Because the Lord has blessed me beyond measure...

He will not bless me because I give some popcorn kernal in faith that will pop into a bowl full of popcorn.

He gives to those who show they can administer and handle the increase.....
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