Originally Posted by rgcraig
Well, here's some new terms to replace CC1's blue denium whales terminology.
Originally Posted by cliff d
No, usually the term Holiness Standards to them means, we men don't have hair on our ears and we women have exposed pimples! But true holiness is more than a mass of split ends with a bow.
Renda, I would think you would have more respect than that...
Cliff, my split ends are conditioned, my skin is clear (and for anyone who has issues, there are wonderful products like Proactive on the market) and there is absolutely nothing old-fashioned or 1890's about my wardrobe.
I don't debate or even discuss much what I do and don't do personally, with regards to the outward... on AFF or anywhere else. I live unto the Lord.
But I won't sit back on the AFF forum and read rude comments without standing up and saying something. (well, actually sitting with my legs up on my comfy chair and typing my response)
Renda, you and the others who have used the "blue denim whale" comment, (maybe soon to be replaced with the
much more polite "we men don't have hair on our ears and we women have exposed pimples! But true holiness is more than a mass of split ends with a bow" NOT)
should know better.
It's rude. Plain and simple. It's especially rude coming from a Christian.
And to claim that those who keep the "standards" (don't like that term at all) are judging by the outward, and then to turn around and make comments like this, is being downright hypocritical.