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Old 10-28-2008, 02:48 PM
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Steve Epley Steve Epley is offline
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Re: Grace Verse Legalism

As much as it displeases the graceless crowd that sees the preacher as the main hindrance to spiritual growth allow me to SHARE what the scriptures teach:

1. "faith cometh by hearing" Rom. 10:17......
a. man is justified by faith Rom. 5:1......
b. we are children of God by faith Gal.3:26......
c. without faith it is impossible to please God.. Heb. 11:6......
d. we overcome by faith 1Jn. 5:4 Now go and weep "HOW SHALL THEY HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER?" Rom. 10:14The ULTIMATE grace preacher said "... it PLEASED GOD(it doesn't please renegades and rebels) by the foolishness of PREACHING to SAVE them that believe." 1Cor. 1:21 Not theraptists-arm chair referees-educators-attorneys-you get the picture. PREACHING preached by PREACHERS gives faith to be saved and equips saints to continue to be saved.

By the way:

It is NT doctrine about ladies hair 1Cor. 11:1-16

It is NT doctrine that teaches modesty in dress 1Tim. 2:9

It is NT doctrine that teaches against wearing gold 1Tim. 2:9

It is NT doctrine It is NT doctrine that teaches separation from the world 2Cor. 6:19

It is NT doctrine that teaches ministerial authority Heb. 13: 7, 17, 21

Genuine BIBLICAL grace teaches AGAINST doing certain things and do do certain things Titus 2:11-13

Galatians is speaking about circumcission, animal sacrifices, holidays, the ceremonial law. Grace gives NO one liberty to commit adultery-fornication-steal-murder-etc.
See Gal. 5:18-23.
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