Most folks concept of grace is a disgrace.
What is sin is the first question?
John replies "sin is a transgression of the LAW."
1Jn. 3:4
Paul speaks of the "LAW of life in Christ."
Rom. 8:3
There is NO liberty without law. Contrary to the popular opinion on this forum the ministry is NOT a necessary evil.
The Holy Ghost sets men over the flock
Acts 20:28, 1Pet. 5:1-4
The ministry is for the perfecting of the saints
Eph. 4:11
Saints were commanded to remember Heb.13;7, obey 13:17, salute 13:21 those who had the RULE over them.
Jude and Peter's warnings about those who dispise GOVERNMENT are very strong
2Pet. 2:10-14,
Jude 8-13
Most folks discussing LEGALISM and GRACE don't have a clue about either.