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Old 10-28-2008, 09:15 AM
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Re: Grace Verse Legalism

Originally Posted by jaamez View Post
I believe "GRACE" is the most beautiful, yet most misunderstood words in the entire scripture. Grace, to me, is God's favor, His pity on us whereby, in immeasurable love He forgives our sins and gives us abundant life. Quite simply put, he offers us that which we do not deserve.

I was sitting at the fringes the other day of a youth meeting where one of the youth leaders made a statement that said there will be people who go to hell with the Holy Ghost. The expression on my face must have been priceless because EVERYONE in the room knew of my immediate displeasure with that statement. The context in which he said it was that, you could be saved but "not living right" and die suddenly and go straight to hell.

What his definition of "living right" was, I have no idea. But I can guess that it's a legalistic definition that puts more stress on "doing" and always being vigilant lest you be found not "doing enough." The sad thing is that he is a good man who has a servant's heart and truly loves the Lord, but his views are warped by years of teaching by an apostate pastor that treated the subject of grace like it was a swear word while emphasizing outward signs of "holiness" and "living right."

The Law is the enemy of Grace. And when people revert back to the law for their list of what they can and cannot do, the grace of God becomes worthless to them. And now, they are debtors to do the whole law.
I believe you have answered a question for me - The "fear" factor of our steps every day in living for God. While a healthy respect and love for God is right, a plummeting "fear" is very unhealthy and diverts our attention from the beauty and strength we find in God - in His Spirit that dwells in us.

If we focus more on fear of failing and not on the strength we are afforded, through His Spirit, we become weak.

"Having begun in the Spirit are you now made perfect by the flesh."
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