Originally Posted by tstew
If you are in a good place in terms of stability and having a good church (which I think is important for your family and will pay tremendous dividends in the future), how feasible would it be for your mother to move either in with you or close to you in one of the kinds of places discussed above.
From what you have said about your sister's situation, her house may not be the best place for your mother now anyway. If your sister is overwhelmed with a daughter having problems and if her son "is taking over the house", your mother may be better able to enjoy her twilight years elsewhere.
It appears that you may be better able to help without having to return to a place that you don't want to be in the first place and may not be the best place for your family.
That was my thought also... my mother and her sister bounced my grandmother from Texas to Arkansas until they were unable to take care of her anylonger.