Re: Remind me - Who is voting FOR McCain?
I am an old soldier and I have a reason to vote for Mr. McCain.
1. the man gave 7 years of his life under the worst conditions imaginable in service to this nation. and I might add he did not have to be conscriped for that service. I am a Pilot also and I can tell you Mr. McCain and no other Pilot would fly into Hostile Enemy territory under fire just for the thrill of it. he was simply doing his duty. the least I can do is give him opportunity to make policy to try and avoid errors commited by the Johnson Admin. ( democrat ) that lied to us about the Gulf of Tonkin incident that never took place. and caused Mr. McCain to be placed in that position to begin with.
2. The man did choose a VP that holds convictions that make the " Gay/ lesbian, Bann every gun ownership right hater, Kill the infants, pre-birth or suck their brains out in the womb devils " Froth at the mouth just to mention Her name.
3. I do not need an excuse to Vote for anyone I wish, I have spent 9 years 2 months and 23 days of my life in the Military defending my Right to do that.
May the Lord Jesus open the eyes of all before our nation perish due to Evil.
Bishop L L Godair