Just checking in - I spent most of the day running errands. I put on a big pot of homemade vegetable soup, and ran out the door. I left the hubby home to look after the soup, he is not feeling well. I would appreciate prayer for him, we had a special weekend planned this weekend. IF he does not perk up we will have to cancel it. Boo HOoo. We are in the process of remodeling our kitchen and half bath. I went on a quest to find a vessel sink for the half bath!!!! I found one at Tuesday Mornings for $99. If you have been shopping for them you would know that is dirt cheap!!!!!
We are planning a ladies tea at our church - It is an annual Mother's Memorial Fund raiser. It is always very elegant. I have been asked to oversee the decorations and do a table this year. I love doing this kind of thing but I get nervous about making it just so!!!!! Anyway, the table I am doing I will use my china- which is beige and silver. So I am going with a Chrystal, beige and silver theme. I picked up some silver material and I am going to make a runner out of it. We will see. I am not the greatest when it come to needle and thread. Well got to get back and check on the soup, make cornbread and make sure my honey is doing OK.