Originally Posted by rgcraig
Oh, do tell. Was he wanting to shovel snow for you? LOL!
ROFL!!!! Nope, nothing like that, Renda!!
Actually, I was living here in Ohio and decided to ride Greyhound up to visit my friend who lived in Michigan (NOT something I will ever do again - no buses for me, thank you!!!) Anyhow, I was scheduled to stay for 2 nights. The morning I was to leave for home, we got up and the Blizzard of '78 had hit full force!!
Mike was just a teen (I was in my early 20's). He and his family attended the church that my friend also went to. So I met him there.
When the blizzard hit, the bus wasn't running for a few days. By the time it was running again, I had decided I liked it there and had found a job. So I just went home, got my stuff and moved there.
Mike actually 'went with' the daughter of my friend that I had gone there to visit. They were an item for quite a long time. And then when my brother came up to visit me and stay with me for a few months, he and Mike became good friends. So he spent alot of time hanging out at my apartment with Thunder (my brother).
Mike's a great guy. It's been nice re-connecting with him on the forums (I was going to say "here", but that's not exactly true, is it?)