ok, folks. now one more post from me. I know you're tired of hearing from me already tonight. Sorry.
Night before last, our fire department got called at 2:00 am to a house fire. The cardiologist and the vascular surgeon and our family doctor have all told Walt he could NOT go to another fire call. (he's the assistant chief here in our town, but it's a volunteer position). He could stay on the department, but only to do paperwork and maybe to run the radio at the station occasionally.
So what does he do when the house fire call comes in? He jumps up, gets dressed and promises he will only run the radio. When he finally gets home at 7:00 am, I ask if he stayed at the station all night. And he sheepishly tells me that he did go to the scene. But only to take out coffee and water for the guys. And to give some technical advice. PLEASE!!!! Does he think I'm stupid?? That's one step away from grabbing a hose and running inside!!!
And then, to make matters worse, he decides later in the day that he should shovel the sidewalk going to our back garage!!! Another thing all of the doctors have given strict orders he is NEVER to do!!!!
Well, now he's "not feeling really good". DUH!!!!!!!
and on top of that, he took Monday off work because he was too tired from the fire call to go in. And he took today off because they predicted a major snowstorm (which didn't get here until late this afternoon/early evening). And now he's not going in tomorrow because of the Level 2 snow emergency. Good grief!! What're we supposed to pay bills with???
But see I can't say anything, because I don't want to upset him and cause his blood pressure to go up.
So all I can do is pray!!! Help me pray, will you? This is the man who came so close to death in May and then God restored him. But he's got to do his part now. I need him!! I want him around to help raise our boys! Pray that he gets his head on straight. I know that sounds funny, but I'm serious. If he keeps doing stupid stuff like he's done, I'm afraid we'll lose him this time.
Thanks so much!!!! This is by far, the best thread on this whole forum

I just love you all!!