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Old 09-04-2008, 04:20 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Paganism in Christianity

Originally Posted by U376977 View Post
Please do not presume to know me. Trust me...I do not live my life in fear. I do not need to "expand" my vision to include heathen customs or to think that people practising them are Christian.
I assure keep non-Christian customs. Do you dress up for church? That's pagan.

You talk of missionaries......I was taught by the greatest modern missionary for about 2 years, T.L. Osborn. He railed against missionaries who demanded western clothes and who force people to use a knife and fork. I get the concept...western does not mean Christian. But heathen practice does not mean Christian either, no matter how it is mixed with Jesus.
Name one heathen practice you presume people observe? For example, the Christmas tree. If a tree worshiping pagan were to see us with a Christmas tree in my home they'd wonder why we weren't worshiping it. None of us worship trees, they're a DECORATION. They'd probably be offended because I would have reduced what they think should be a "god" to a mere decoration. lol

Truthfully, the "dominion" you write about has been practiced by Rome for centuries. To the point of idolatry, Indians in South America march into Catholic churches carrying their idol dolls in procession to the crucifix.
Yes, Rome went to the extreme of idolatry. But one thing Rome did do that we're failing to do....they Christianized an entire continent. Personally, I'm Irish (with Dutch, German, and English thrown in for spice) and proud of it. I proud of me European heritage. I have no problem with maintaining European cultural traditions. Yes, some are Christianized versions of old ways....but that's the deal....they're no longer those old ways. I wouldn't even know the first thing to chant to a Christmas tree. Maybe you're tempted to idolatry by it. Frankly, I'm not. And I think you're just uptight and wanting to control everyone or to be seen as holier than those of us who observe cultural holidays. Well, if that's will help you feel better, I'll say it....

You're more holy than me.

Now, I'm going to pick out a pumpkin to carve out with my little boy here in a few weeks.

You imagine a "whole world" worship service in heaven....somehow I cannot imagine the Apostles doing fire dances and "lifting up babies" as a form of worship that harks back to infant sacrifice--a practice refered to in the Psalms and was abonimable.
Bro...the Apostles wouldn't "fire dance" they were Jews. Now, I don't doubt some of their pagan converts kept certain days and customs that they didn't...else Paul wouldn't have addressed that in the book of Romans. Paul's point was that whatever we do, as long as it's not "sin" it unto the Lord. long as a baby isn't being's not child sacrifice. The background decor will all be cultural. I'm not bothered by it. Now...throw the baby in the fire and I'll most likely want to shoot someone. (Didn't say that I would for sure....but I sure would want to.)

You are fanciful in your thinking....but certainly not in the book. The Bible says, "Come out of her....." Not to take her and her customs and make them into a diluted worship. Sorry.....
I think the spiritual concepts presented here are paranoid, view life as being under siege, and are frankly....BORING. Remind me never to bring someone to a church that thinks like this, I don't want them to think that all Apostolics are boring people.

The kingdom of God isn't meat, drink, holidays, or's righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Now....this Christmas I'm going to eat meat traditionally sacrificed to idols, put up a tree, decorate the fire place, and have a glass of eggnog with the the misses after the little one's in bed...maybe some are weak in faith and will be offended. If that's the case, they'd best not visit our home.

Love, peace, and chicken grease....

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