Thread: Chester Hensley
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:51 PM
stasis stasis is offline
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Re: Rev. Chester Hensley

I never knew the man personally. But I am very familiar with many in his group who branched off and formed churches in Nederland/Groves Texas after his death.

-'ARC (Apostolic Revival Church)' - name of this church has since changed. Doctrines are charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'World Apostolic Revival': No longer exists, but was pastored by Gary Armagh, husband of Ginger Hensley (one of Chester's daughters). Was charismatic and Branham'esque.
-'Triumph Church': Pastored by Randy Clark. Doctrine = 'Jesus wants you to get rich'. Lots of stage performance, including ballet dancing 'for Jesus' and all kinds of stuff.

I believe there was a controversy between the pastors of ARC and World Apostolic Revival because they both thought they had 'inherited the mantle' from Chester Hensley. Apparently these guys both thought they were comparable to Elisha or something, which shows how self-involved they were.

Most of Hensley's group would talk about him like he was God on earth. All sorts of crazy claims, such as him having power over the weather and the movement of the sun (I'm not kidding), all kind of miraculous stories. Way beyond the line of absurd.

Again, I never knew the man himself, but those who represented him seemed flaky to say the least.
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