Thread: Gabby's
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Old 03-29-2007, 07:22 AM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!

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Originally Posted by QueenEsther View Post
Well, I am still here for now. Thanks for taking the time to write this, it was wonderful!!!! It is so true also, it is amazing how you can love someone so much from the moment you see them, actually from the moment you feel them in you!! And even though the pain is so great you would do it again for a chance to have another little one to love. RIght after I had my first I thought how in the world can I do that again??? I was in soooo much pain!! But before you know it all you can think of is how you love that little one so much and you know you would do it over and over again. As of right now I am saying NO MORE!! LOL!! But I think my husband knows that I have always wanted 3 and he wants a son so he is telling people it won't be our last. I have not made a final decision on my end, I told him we will just wait and see where we are and what we are doing in the next few years and then make the decision then. I have always loved little ones and have always said I wanted 3 - I think because I came from a family of 3 children. But it is hard on a person especially when you must work full-time.

Anyways,...I don't mean to ramble. Once I left work yesterday my pains went away and I have not had them since.
Sis. QE,

I have a feeling your pains were from being uptight after your doctor's

appt. When you left work you were able to relax a bit, so your pains went

away! The more you can relax and let your mind and body rest, the better

you will do. Just rest in Him. Make a concentrated effort, in other words,

just tell yourself, I need to relax and rest in Jesus for us all! You, your

baby girl, your hubby and your older daughter.

I will be praying for you as you rest in Him!


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