Thread: Phariseeism
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Old 08-16-2008, 03:15 PM

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Re: Phariseeism

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
As to your website. I have to say I disagree strongly with the sweeping generalization. You say in "misinterpreted" scriptures "The UPC say"....That's a logical fallacy unless the UPC has an official doctrinal statement saying what you said. Rather it would be better to say "some OPs" or "Some Apostolics use this verse to mean"
Praxeas, thanks for the feedback . On the front page I explained why I used the terms apostolic / apostolic Pentecostal / UPC synonymously. The basic reason is because the site was originally put together for family and friends, and we were all in the UPC. When other people started discovering the site it was too hard to go back and re-write all the content.

You're absolutely correct in what you said, though, and I don't deny it. One thing I do write in the introduction to that section, though, is this:

There are many Scriptures that are misinterpreted by Oneness Pentecostals. I have decided to create a list of the most common ones on this page. Some of these Scriptures are misinterpreted by most, if not all, Christians, but most of the Scriptures on this page are misinterpreted mostly by Oneness Pentecostals.
Unfortunately I can't think of any one term that I could use that would avoid offending every possible visitor .
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