Originally Posted by mfblume
There is a big difference, in some instances. The Pharisees taught actual Bible truths. Some pastors teach things not found anywhere in the bible. Jesus did not refer to things taught that were not in the bible when he said to obey the pharisees. What Jesus meant was the Pharisees would not do what they, themselves, taught! THAT is what made them hypocrites.
Let not anyone take those words of Jesus and say that preachers can rightfully demand us to do things the bible does not teach.
Bro. Blume this is one area in which I would ask you to research. Sure the Pharisees taught some of the Law of Moses but the vast majority was traditions and the Oral law that they had added to the Law of Moses and negated it. The Sadducees where the literalists not the Pharisees concerning the Law of Moses.