Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge
Either you percieve your Pastor as a Man of God, or you consider him just a guy, who'll maybe kind of help you spirtually. If I did not believe my Pastor was a true Man of God. I'd leave. People have different ideas about the word submission. And we all have different levels of tolerance towards what the definition of, or what the role of, culture plays into what and how we go about naming sin. If someone draws the line tighter them me.. God bless them, hopefully they will pray for me. If I draw the line tighter on some issues.. and I see it as salvational.. I need to pray for you. I'm not your Pastor and am not responsible for your soul. Every idle word, even if it is typed.. I'll stand in judgement for.
God Bless.
I agree with the majority of your post, but not the either or premise that the pastor is The Man of God versus, an ordinary Joe who may (or may not) help you spiritually. I place him somewhat in between those two extremes. I do not put him on the same pedestal that Kings of Israel (whom God chose directly) nor as someone who randomly enters your life.
I take (or took, as we are still looking for a church in our new town) what my pastor says very seriously, but also know that the ultimate authority for goes on in our household rests with us. I also expect a pastor to be willing to be questioned -and to admit when he is wrong (I
try to follow my own advice also on this count). Lastly, I expect to be able to
respect the pastor enough to follow him even when there are minor things that I may agree to disagree on.