Thread: Phariseeism
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Old 08-15-2008, 09:37 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Phariseeism


Thank you for what you have posted. Staying with an old path, just because it is old, and the way it has always been done is in itself hypocrisy.

The Roman Catholic church could not accept the simplicity fo the gospel message that is why in 325 A.D. they adopted Catholicism as the governmental religion, and the mode of baptism as sprinkling in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then came all the rules, regulations, and 'works' based legalism to make men feel that they could earn salvation. It didn't work for the Jews under the Mosaic Law, didn't work for the Roman Catholic Church, and has not bode well for many Apostolic organizations, such as, The UPCI.

The thread locked on my wanting to be a missionary is an example of legalism gone wrong. Those posing to be so spiritual and holy are expecting others to measure up to their standard of 'holiness', and outward show of what a "burden for souls" looks like. God is God and can use whomever, and whatever He will - despite some of you folks.

While many old-timers, or Conservatives want accolades for their righteous, or self-righteous words, their standard of dress, and their sticking to the "old landmarks", they are like the Pharisees whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones.

Take this thread...of how many posts now against a young man struggling to find himself who hasn't even posted since 7/31/2008. Let's cripple him, chastize him, and lay him face down in the mud and walk on him for having questions that many of us have had through the years.

The thing is...God didn't need your help in speaking the worlds into existence; you weren't there when he made everything that is made from darkness, and void, so what makes you think He needs you to correct, reprove, condemn, and crucify others on this forum. I am sure you feel "Holy Indignation", and justified in slaughtering reputations of people God has greatly used through the years because they stopped being like you are.

The message of God is simple: repent, be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ, and be filled with his spirit...being conformed to HIS likeness, not each other's likeness.

Preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified and stop preaching condemnation, and judgement. That was never the message of Christ. From Genesis to Revelation it has always been about forgiveness, restoration, and reconcilliation. If Jesus didn't condemn the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, the tax collectors, and even Saul of Tarsus, but forgave, gave them a new name, and a new destiny...then how do you come off judging others and condemning them?

Those of you who have condemned Thad for all the gossip are so guilty of it yourself. At least he owns up to his interest in all these things while you deny that you are what you condemn him to be.

I think I've said enough tonight.
Surely for a Christian, stooping to someone else's level should only be done to give them a hand up and not to push their head down in the mud! Rev DWW
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