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Old 08-11-2008, 03:27 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by LUKE2447 View Post
Rico, how long does it take people to realize that God never says it is and also involves himself in giving more than one wife. Why? Because it is not a sin. All the opportunity he had he never gives a iota or jot against it. Yet, let's ignore all that, say God is a liar and changes his opinion all the time and really meant "this" which he never said. Talking about adding to God's Word and putting words in God's mouth. The argument against polygamy is about as liberal of a interpretation as one can get.

I have but one word for you..................... AMERICA. Us Americans like to think everyone and everything should be the way we think they should be. Anything that doesn't fit into our American way of thinking needs to be reshaped and remolded into our image.
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