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Old 08-09-2008, 12:58 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tyson Reverses Muslim Paid Holiday

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Berk and Rico,

This is America and we should be celebrating American Holidays, not Muslim ones. They are welcome to celebrate any holidays they want in their private life or they can move back to the Middle East and celebrate them with official Holidays.

Next are we going to put Hindu and Buddhist Holidays on our calendar?
When it comes to "holidays" I think it would be best to give one or two "floating holidays" so that individual employees can choose a holiday or two from their own faith tradition. Some Christians might take Pentecost Sunday off or Good Friday...Jews might take a day off during passover....Muslims could take a day off they regard as special...and Atheists could take April Fools day off. Everybody is respected as an individual.

But, there is a point. I'm a union man. If the workers have the right to vote on holidays according to contract and the majority of them are Muslim and vote to observe a Muslim holiday so be it. Americans need to stop being such sissies and realize we can't "make" people always believe and practice what we do. I mean....would it be right for a company to make these Muslims take Christmas off? Absolutely not. It also wouldn't be right for Muslim management to force Christian employees to observe a Muslim holiday if the majority were Christian and voted for Christmas.

Get real people.
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