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Old 08-08-2008, 07:59 PM

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Hey, any of you indivduals even married?
Yes, I am happily married to one wife and plan to keep it that way. Yet I can't deny what the scriptures plainly say regarding multiple wives.

I think many people assume polygamy means that one man is married to two wives as if one ceremony took place and one marriage is in existence but that is not true. There is no such ceremony, two women cannot be part of the same marriage. There are two marriages in place when a man has two wives, that means two ceremonies had to take place. Each ceremony bonded one man to one woman. That means anyone arguing against polygamy who quotes the bible talking about 'one flesh', or 'one man and one woman' are just preaching to the choir.

Deuteronomy 25:5 requires polygamy when both brothers are married and one of the brothers die. This would contradict genesis if the one flesh bond could not happen more than once. The NT did not change the rules either. Divorce is what is tearing families apart these days, so why pick on the biblically acceptable practice of polygamy? I think because it is not commonplace that it is just foreign and scary to many Christians. Or they associate it with fundamentalist Mormons.
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