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Old 08-06-2008, 10:14 PM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
Yep, I used that same line in my B.C. days as my excuse for using certain chemicals. But after I was saved I was saw that salvation and sanctification is all about maturing into Christlikeness. That means changing my childish ways to better reflect the man God fashioned me to become.

Like I said TWICE now; God created one man (Adam) and one woman (Eve) to inhabit Eden. According to the hermeneutic Law of First Mention, they are God's PERFECT PATTERN. The Bible admits that in the Old Testament God allowed men to do certain things because of their hard hearts and ignorance. But now, because of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ, men are called to repent of their childish ways and grow into a matured man of God.

I guess the good Doctor needs to show where Jesus (a type of Adam) is said to have multiple brides (the bride is a type of Eve). I can't find any such scripture myself. So please, show us where it is found.
It's found right here... YOU equals 1 person plus me equals 2 Persons... we both equal ONE WIFE
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