Originally Posted by erikwebster
That sounds great .. and I agree monogamy is the ideal just looking at history.
But no, when it comes to polygamy Christ never taught against it, it was never forbidden in the NT except for leadership. And the OT took it as a normal part of society.
And it doesnt matter if it conflicts with your personal Jesus or the bible. its there and you gotta love it or not... because its as far away as your nearest bible in the house.
It hurts your conscience because it seems to go against your view of feminine roles in modern society.. i understand that. But once again single females with the ability to work a self determined job, or have financial independence is a fairly new thing that is less than 80 years old out of nearly 7,000 years of human history.
I can understand how this feels like a kick to the teeth for a moderate/liberal lady with a strong self image.. but in this case the scriptures say what they say... and they don't say what you want them to say on this particular issue.
Probably one of the better post so far. I definitely am a one woman man. I want to love her and her alone. I have no desire to be with any other woman, and fight or flee any temptation mental, physical, ect. I can not phathom having more than one wife, and wouldn't feel right in doing so.
Scriptural approach though, I can't condemn or tell anyone that is in Polygamy that they are "wrong", in "sin" , or "lost" other than a minister.
There's just not a basis for it. I happen to be a male, if I was female (due to society and conditioning of the present times) this would hurt me to hear in a way. It would make me feel less important or like a second rate being to a male. I understand that, and I'm sorry, I can't find reason/scripture to disprove it or I would. I would rather monogamy be the only and right choice according to God, but it's not about my ways.
Lastly , to remind you - I care nothing for monogamy and find it disturbing in a sense, but i'm sure that's due to my "conditioning and present time mentality". I would discourage it if someone came seeking advice or guidance, but I could not tell them it was going to cause them to miss heaven.