Originally Posted by Dora
I have to say that I think polygamy was a custom meant to populate the earth in the OT. Also, women are definitely in a vulnerable position in this deal. Using women as a means to elevate your social standing as if a woman is a Cadillac Escalade is just disgusting. The idea that a man having multiple wives is an acceptable lifestyle in modern times, just blows my mind. We're right back to viewing women as property, de-valuing their position in the family and in the body of Christ. I think the idea of polygamy as a viable family situation went out with the arrival of Christ. He treated women with respect and dignity. Polygamy is the antithesis of dignifying women. It put them in the place of a slave, animal or piece of property. I can't believe the CRUD I'm reading here! Where did you guys come from? Where are the men standing against this JUNK???
I think viewing women to elevate social standing is terrible too sis. But that’s not inherent in polygamy….that happens in monogamy as well. Men are nearly always looking for that “trophy wife” or pressuring some poor girl to try to meet their expectations to elevate their social standing.
In our society polygamy is unnecessary so men only get one thing out of it…and yes…it objectifies women. But biblical polygamy is different. It was a brutal world. I’m sure that you’d agree that polygamy is morally superior to the idea of thousands of women being sold into slavery or entering prostitution. Biblical polygamy protected women from a very brutal world.
So please don’t think I’m talking about polygamy as would be practiced today. I’m looking at it in its biblical context and expressing it’s over all value to their society. I firmly believe that if we lived in a decimated world after a global catastrophe we’d see a resurgence of the practice out of the necessity to protect women, the family heritage, and the family wealth.