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Old 08-06-2008, 09:25 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
My point is really that I fail to see why some men here are arguing for polygamy....beyond the fact that the Bible doesn't outright condemn it....I made the point that I think God did that more for the protection of women than that he was really saying it was okay. I also made the points that God said Adam was given Eve only. God was not advocating polygamy here. He also gave the command for the bishop to have only one wife for a reason. What do you think that reason was?
I hope you don’t think I’m arguing “for polygamy”. I’m just telling what I believe is the truth about a subject as I understand it. Here’s the issue with polygamy…not only does God not outright condemn it…he commands it (in the case of Liverite Marriage and rape) and gave Moses Laws by which to govern it and concubinage. If it was morally repugnant or undesirable in God’s sight, the giving of the Law would be the opportunity to express such sentiment. God blesses, and the Scriptures even praise, men who had multiple wives. No hint of condemnation is given. And after studying ancient marriage customs I’m convinced that marriage in ancient Israel was more of a social contract to be closed or opened as the individuals in said contract felt was necessary. And as long as none violated their covenant by violating their spouse’s will or taking that which belonged to another, God issues no sanction or condemnation.

Now…fast forward to the New Testament. I believe the Bishop was to serve as an example to the church. Not only does monogamy provide more harmony in the home but monogamy better symbolizes the relationship between Christ (one Lord) and his bride (one church).
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