Originally Posted by ILG
In the beginning, God gave Adam one wife, Eve. He didn't add Jane or Sally and tell Adam to have fun since populating the earth would be easier with more wives.  Thank God for that. After that, men took the reigns and decided that they knew better than God on the subject and thought things would be better with more than one wife. (More wives equals more sex.) The Bible bears out that there is much jealousy with polygamy. I think the Bible does not condemn it or women who are in polygamous situations, yet hated, would be thrown out on their ear. I think we can view this as a protection of women and not a condoning of polygamy. Since God made Adam one wife and said that only men of one wife can be leaders, that tells you that men who have more than one wife are not leadership material and not in the perfect will of God. End of story. 
Sorry but marriage either fails or lives by the PEOPLE in the marriage not the style.
I guess David was not a great leader or Moses or Abraham or or or..... Your logic fails!