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Old 07-29-2008, 12:33 PM
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MikeinAR MikeinAR is offline
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Re: Todd Bentley Quits!!

I always tread lightly around topics like this and try to use wisdom in condemning people like Todd Bentley. My spirit never agreed with his methods and even his message. When signs and wonders become the thing you seek, instead of the Author of the signs and wonders then the mark is missed. When it's more about what I see and how I feel than being rooted and grounded in truth and faith, then error can occur easily. Signs and wonders will definitely follow those that believe, but the BELIEVING is an important step taken on sound doctrine and biblical truth. Not what some evangelist like Todd Bentley says over and over or yells Bam at 10 or 20 times.

The proof always comes out in time. Time is great at clearing up silly fads and false prophets. If he can't produce a single documented miracle to a program like Nightline something is very wrong. The saddest part is there will be people that are irreparably broken and unreachable due to this "revival" and their lost faith in Todd Bentley. That's the eternally serious part.
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