I am new to this thread - Like Sweet Pea- I did not visit on NFCF because I did not have time to catch up with everyone. I hope you will let me join you- I am not as talkative as most of you are, and do not spend a lot of time at the computer, but I do check in every day.
Margie- I will be praying for your husband. I followed his progress this summer and know that he is a "walking miracle". Sometimes we get hard headed and have to prove to ourselves what we can and cannot do. I hope this is the case with Walt and he will see that he cannot push it too much.
Amazing Grace- I am praying for your house and your husband's job. God is able to take care of your family. Louisiana is not such a bad place to live!!!!!!! Just find a city with a good church.
Rhoni- I am praying for you, God will give you the grace to get through the wedding. Getting settled in a new state and a new job is always a challenge, but you seem to be handling it with grace and style. Hang in there!
Ron- I have so enjoyed your posts, you are a real encourager. I am lifting you up too.
I know I have left others out- lets see Carey M. - God will help you sell that house. Truth Seeker and Sweet Pea I am praying for a special blessing for you.